After a wonderful short two weeks, I am yet again back in the ceramic studio for class. As if I didn't have enough trouble making cylinders at the end of the semester last time, we are starting with cylinders. I feel like it is a big dejavu moment. This time however they need to be taller and of course straighter and better and all together awesomeness!

To make my inability to make awesome cylinders worse, I actually missed two days of class due to a nasty bacterial infection. Not fun. All I could think about was how I wasn't going to be able to catch up, how I would never be able reach 8 inches of greatness let alone the 10 inches I need on some of them. However after going back on thursday last week, I some how managed to rock it! I created four cylinders all over 8 inches! It must have been all the prayers I made begging to be able to do it. Now that I have cylinders down I am moving on....

Tada! 10 cylinders 6 of which are 8 inches and the other 4 are 10 inches!
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