I feel the end of the semester closing in upon me quickly. I have spent countless hours outside of class time in the studio, working on projects to complete them in time. I finally feel that they are complete or at least as complete as they are going to be!

I went in Wednesday and threw on the wheel. I was there all day long, one to eleven. I made some pretty good cylinders, or at least I thought so. The only problem is we were supposed to throw 6 total: Four of the six being six inches and two of the six being eight inches.

I never got one that I like that was eight inches. I got up to eight inches but I never liked the way it looked. So I would then try and try to fix it, but my clay would become fatigued and then it would crumble down. I did have 2 seven inch ones I turned in.

Over all throwing on the wheel was very difficult to learn. The main thing to remember is centering your clay on the wheel is the most important. I am no expert yet but I am taking another ceramics class over summer and all I will be doing is throwing on the wheel. Hopefully by the end of summer I will get something over eight inches that I feel is worthy to keep and not mess with until it falls apart!

Check out this video of someone throwing a cylinder type pot. He makes it look so extremely easy. The steps he is doing are the basic steps that I was doing this past week.

Moving on to the reliquary piece, I put my under glaze on it yesterday. This is actually the first time I have used under glazes in any of my pieces because the Peru Mouse Bottle with Nugget was terra sigillata. The Barbra Hepworth inspired piece was acrylic. I am glad I have been able to use so many different ways to cover the pieces. I like to soak up as much info as I can on this stuff.

Using the glazes was actually relatively easy. They mix up just like paints do, so it is fairly simple to get the colors you need. I can’t wait to see it fired. Once I see it fired I will decide whether or not to use a patina on the pedestal/column thingy. I am thinking I want it to look older and worn so that will require the patina.

Remember this is a reliquary to hold my Pisces spirit. I think that it is totally cheesy but I like cheesy.

For one of my other classes I have had to make a website, which features more of my artwork. You can click on the link below but it is also located under the links column.
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